
- Screenshotting as method for troubling AI, 6-10th January 2025, Digital Methods Winter School 2025, University of Amsterdam (NL)
- Environmental intelligences, 12th February 2025, University of Bristol (UK)
- Collective inquiry with and about the digital, 2nd April 2025, University of Edinburgh (UK)
- Public data cultures, The Datafied Web, 5-6th June 2025, University of Siegen (Germany)
- Connective coding: on the platformisation and deplatformisation of software development (conference paper with Liliana Bounegru), 1st November 2024, AoIR2024: 2024 Association of Internet Researchers Conference, Sheffield (UK)
- Recomposing Data-Nature-Cultures (invited guest talk), 23rd October 2024, hosted by Centre for Critical Data Practices + Environmental Media and Aesthetics research program, Aarhus University (Denmark)
- Situating forest policy and governance issues through digital methods (conference paper with Liliana Bounegru + Rina Tsubaki), 24th Jun 2024, International Union of Forest Research Organizations: Forests and Society Towards 2050, Stockholm (Sweden)
- Repurposing digital media for collective inquiry. Notes from the Public Data Lab 2017-2023 (invited talk with Liliana Bounegru), 12th April 2024, Center of Excellence in Image Studies (CESI), University of Bucharest (Romania)
- digital methods x policy research: some tools, examples and starting points (invited talk with with Liliana Bounegru), Policy Institute, 20th March 2024, King’s College London (UK)
- What do data portals do? (invited talk), Reconfiguring digital methods workshop, 16th February 2024, King’s College London (UK).
- Doing data differently? (invited talk), 7th February 2024 University of the Arts London (UK)
- Reimagining open data portals – towards a collaborative research agenda (panel), 6th February 2024, SOOCON24, London (UK).
- Turning the Scales: Living Between Small and Large (panel), 24th January 2024, King’s College London.
- Digital media, forests and society, 14th June 2023, European Forest Institute webinar with Liliana Bounegru and Rina Tsubaki. [Video]
- Listening to forests, talk at launch of the Digital Futures Institute, 27th April 2023, King’s College London.
- Mapping online engagement with forest restoration sites (workshop with Liliana Bounegru and Rina Tsubaki), 25th April 2023, European Forest Institute Planted Forests Facility, Bordeaux (France).
- Repurposing digital media for collective inquiry. Notes from the Public Data Lab 2017-2023 (invited talk with Liliana Bounegru), 18th April 2023, Sciences Po, Paris (France).
- Data regulation in agriculture: an overlooked terrain? (panel discussion with Kelly Bronson). IA + Société / AI + Society, 11th April 2023, University of Ottawa (Canada).
- Conspiracy Theories in the Time of Covid-19 (panel discussion with James Ball, Clare Birchall, Annie Kelly and Peter Knight), 26th January 2023, King’s College London (UK).
- Socialising air with data? (invited talk with Emma Garnett). AIR - a KCL/ASU Summit, 14th October 2022, King’s College London / Arizona State University.
- Editing UK East and Southeast Asian (ESEA) pages on Wikipedia (invited talk). ESEA HUB A YEAR ON: Looking back and moving forward, 30th September 2022, City, University of London (UK).
- Making Data Public (conference paper). Seminar of the Society for the Social Sciences of Quantification (SSSQ), 7th September 2022, Paris (France).
- Recomposing forest restoration with digital methods (conference paper with Liliana Bounegru and Gabriele Colombo). Digital Ecologies in Practice, 28-29th July 2022, University of Bonn (Germany).
- #AmazonFires and the online composition of forest politics (conference paper). EASST 2022, 6-9th July 2022, Madrid (Spain).
- Recomposing forest restoration with digital methods (conference paper with Liliana Bounegru and Gabriele Colombo). Valuing Nature workshop, 21-22nd June 2022, King’s College London & Université de Paris.
- Doing Participation with Data? (keynote). Closing conference for Citizen Friendly Data Communication project, 17th June 2022, Tilburg University (Netherlands).
- Doing Participation with Data? Configuring Engagement in Open Data, Data Activism and Data Journalism Projects (conference paper), Media and Publics Conference, 28-29th April 2022, Roskilde University (Denmark). [Slides]
- #AmazonFires and the online composition of forest politics (conference paper), Ecologies and Infrastructures: Cultural Techniques of Environmental Management symposium, King’s College London / Arizona State University, 22nd April 2022. [Slides] [Video]
- Learning with and about biodiversity data (invited talk), “Global Data Barometer as a collective learning device to explore climate action” session at MozFest 2022, 7th March 2022. [Slides] [Session]
- Public interest research (round table), DigiGov Winter School, 24th February 2022, University of Vienna (Austria). [Session]
- Listening to Trees (second public workshop), Critical Zones exhibition, 26th November 2021, ZKM, Karlsruhe (Germany)
- Jornalismo De Dados No Mundo (talk and panel discussion with Liliana Bounegru coinciding with launch of Portuguese translation of Data Journalism Handbook: Towards a Critical Data Practice), Coda.Br 21, 11th November 2021 (Brazil)
- Infrastructure Studies (panel discussion with Noortje Marres, Jennifer Gabrys, Geoffrey Bowker and Paul Edwards), Interrogating Global Traces of Infrastructure (online), Critical Infrastructure Studies Collective, 18th November 2021. [Video]
- Mapping Amazonian Rainforest fires (conference paper with Gabriele Colombo and Liliana Bounegru), Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts (DRHA) 2021: Digital Matters: Designing/Performing Agency for the Anthropocene, 5-7th September 2021, Humboldt University, Berlin (Germany).
- Data Worlds: The Politics of Open and Public Data in the Digital Age (book talk and workshop), MIT Information Policy workshop series (online), 25th June 2021.
- Missing Data and Making Data: Data Infrastructural Interventions (invited talk), Infrastructural Interventions, Digital Humanities & Critical Infrastructure Studies Workshop, 21-22nd June 2021, Online/King’s College London (UK)
- Listening to Trees (first public workshop), Critical Zones exhibition, 11th June 2021, ZKM, Karlsruhe (Germany)
- Visualizing Offshore Foreign Direct Investments: The Atlas of Offshore (conference paper with Michele Mauri, María De Los Angeles Briones Rojas, Daniel Haberly and Chris Anderson), 10th June 2021, Cumulus Roma 2021, Rome (Italy)
- Modifying Methods: Collaborative Research at the Public Data Lab (invited talk), June 2021, Digital Democracies Institute, Simon Fraser University (Canada) [Blog post]
- Doing Participation with Data? Configuring Engagement in Open Data, Data Activism and Data Journalism Projects (conference paper), 20-21st May 2021, Data Justice 2021: Civic Participation in the Datafied Society, Cardiff University (UK)
- Missing Data and Making Data: Data Infrastructural Interventions (conference paper), 25th March 2021, Trust and Doubt in Public-Sector Data Infrastructures Workshop, Data & Society, New York (US).
- The Data Journalism Handbook: Towards a Critical Data Practice (talk and panel discussion), 19th February 2021, Computation+Journalism workshop, Northeastern University (US).
- Making a Field Guide to Algorithms (invited talk), 19th January 2021, Algocount workshop, Università degli Studi di Milano and Politecnico di Milano (Italy).
- Digital Methods Recipes for Investigating Infodemic (invited research presentation), 11th December 2020, Department of Political & Peacebuilding Affairs, United Nations (US).
- Doing Digital Methods Together? Engaged Research Led Teaching Projects with the Public Data Lab (invited research presentation), 20th November 2020 Infoscape Research Lab, Ryerson University (Canada)
- Corona Testing on Twitter: Surfacing Testing Situations “Beyond the Laboratory” (conference paper with Noortje Marres, Liliana Bounegru, James Tripp, Helena Suarez Val, Iain Emsley, Federica Bardelli, Gabriele Colombo, Cian O’Donovan, Cagatay Turkay), 27th October 2020, Pandemic Cooperation: Media and Society in Times of Corona, University of Siegen (Germany).
- COVID-19 Testing on Twitter: Visualising Testing Situations Beyond the Laboratory (conference paper with Noortje Marres and Liliana Bounegru), 18th August 2020, “The Politics of Uncertainty; Visualizing, Quantifying, and Fact-Checking Truth Claims in an Era of Polarized Politics” session, EASST/4S (Locating and Timing Matters: Significance and Agency of STS in Emerging Worlds), Prague (Czech Republic).
- Curating Datasets and Environments of Interpretation, 22nd June 2020. Virtual workshop on COVID-19 Testing on Twitter: Surfacing testing situations beyond the laboratory. University of Warwick (UK).
- What Enables Misinformation? Reporting on Digital Cultures and Infrastructures of “Fake News”. 24th April 2020. Chatham House (UK).
- Data Personification? on the (Con)Figuration of Speculative Persons In, Through and With Data (conference Paper with Liliana Bounegru, Ganaele Langlois and Esther Weltevrede), 17th December 2019, Figurations: Persons In/Out of Data, Goldsmiths, University of London (UK).
- ‘Staying with the trouble’ of networks: five challenges in accounting for situated network practices (conference paper with Daniela van Geenen, Axel Meunier, Mathieu Jacomy, Tommaso Venturini, Liliana Bounegru), 12-13th September 2019, DATA POWER: global in/securities, University of Bremen (Germany) [Abstract]
- “Fake News” as Infrastructural Uncanny (invited Talk with Liliana Bounegru and Tommaso Venturini), 2nd April 2019, Institute for the Study of Science, Technology and Innovation (ISSTI), Science, Technology and Innovation Studies, University of Edinburgh (UK)
- Data witnessing: Attending to human rights situations with data in Amnesty International’s Decoders Initiative (invited talk) Digital Humanitarianism, 15th February 2019, King’s College London (UK)
- What Does Data Do? Making Data Public, Keeping Data Private and Other Data Worlds (invited talk), Privacy Camp 2019, 29th January 2019, Université Saint-Louis, Brussels (Belgium)
- Data witnessing: Attending to human rights situations with data in Amnesty International’s Decoders Initiative (invited talk) Digital Society Network, 5th December 2018, University of Sheffield (UK)
- Death, Taxes and Gases: the Issuefication of Data and the Datafication of Issues (keynote) “New Perspectives on Data”, 15th November 2018, Annual Conference of the Association of Media Researchers in Denmark (Denmark)
- Death, Taxes and Gases: Data Infrastructures as Matters of Concern (conference paper) EASST 2018 Conference: Making Science, Technology and Society Together, 25-28th July 2018, Lancaster University (UK)
- Data Activism and Infrastructural Imagination (conference paper), Data Justice 2018, 21st May 2018, Cardiff University, Cardiff (UK)
- Three Aspects of Data Worlds (invited talk), What is Universe?, 21st April 2018, University of Oregon, Eugene (US)
- Questioning the Data Human (invited talk with Mark Coté and Jennifer Pybus), Human Resources: Whither the Human?, 20th April 2018, University College London, London (UK)
- Doing Things with Networks in Journalism and Social Research (Invited Talk), Workshop on “Narrative Science and its Visual Practices”, 19th April 2018, London School of Economics, London (UK)
- “Connecting Science and Journalism though Climate Change and Digital Innovation” and “Conversations with Data” (panel discussions), International Journalism Festival, 12-13th April 2018, Perugia (Italy)
- 9 Questions for Critical (Data) Infrastructure Studies (invited talk), Critical Infrastructure Studies Workshop, 19th March 2018, King’s College London, London (UK)
- Data Worlds: Open Data and the Politics of Public Information (invited keynote), Deuxième Journée Open Data: Culture des données et données pour la culture, 12th December 2017, Université Paris Nanterre, Paris (France)
- Putting Big Data to “Good” Use (talk and panel discussion), Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), Festival of Social Science, 6th November 2017, British Academy, London (UK) [Documentation + video] [Blog post]
- Between the Worlds: Infrastructures, Standards and Platforms of Fiscal Data (invited talk), Workshop “Digital Platforms and Boundary Infrastructures”, 2-3rd November 2017, Media of Cooperation, University of Siegen (Germany)
- Data Worlds and the New Politics of Public Information (invited talk), Outnumbered! Statistics, Data and the Public Interest, 1st June 2017, Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Cambridge (UK)
- Digital Methods and Public Policy: Tracing Networks, Assemblages and Devices (conference paper), International Conference on Public Policy, 28-30th June 2017, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore (Singapore)
- Other Data Worlds Are Possible (invited talk), Open Data Movements in the Age of Big Data Capitalism, 16th May 2017, Westminster Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Westminster (UK)
- Participatory Data Infrastructures for Housing? (invited talk), Housing Justice Database Workshop, 15th May 2017, Amnesty International UK, London (UK)
- What Do Data Portals Do? Tracing the Politics of Public Information Infrastructures on the Web (conference paper), 1st-2nd April 2017, Data Publics, Lancaster University (UK)
- A Field Guide to Fake News (invited talk with Liliana Bounegru), International Journalism Festival, 5-9th April 2017, Perugia (Italy) [Abstract]
- Fake News, Algorithmic Accountability and the Role of Data Journalism in the Post-Truth Era (invited talk), The Challenges of Transparency in the Digital Age, 23rd March 2017, Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Cambridge (UK) [Abstract]
- Data Visualisations, Data Experiences and Data Worlds (opening keynote), 28th February 2017, Density Design, Politecnico di Milano (Italy) [Transcript] [Recording] [Slides]
- Data Work: Bridging Data Journalism and Digital Sociology (invited talk), 7th February 2017, Techno-Anthropology Lab (TANT Lab), Aalborg University Copenhagen (Denmark) [Abstract] [Slides]
- On Digital Methods and Data Infrastructures (keynote), Digital Methods Winter School 2017, 9th January 2017, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam (Netherlands) [Slides]
- “Beyond Openness and Privacy? Towards a More Ambitious Politics of Data” (invited talk), Barcelona Initiative for Technological Sovereignty (BITS), 9th December 2016, Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Barcelona (Spain)
- “What Can Data Journalists and Digital Humanists Learn from Each Other?” (invited talk with Liliana Bounegru), Digital Humanities + Data Journalism Symposium, 29th September – 1st October 2016, University of Miami (US)
- “Data Infrastructure Literacy: Reshaping Practices of Measurement, Monitoring and Evidence” (conference paper with with Liliana Bounegru and Carolin Gerlitz), 4S/EASST Conference Barcelona 2016, 31st August- 3rd September, Barcelona International Convention Centre, Barcelona (Spain)
- “Visualisation Practices: Accounting for Datasets and Data Infrastructures” (invited talk), Digital Practices: Situating People, Things and Data, 7–9th June 2016, University of Siegen (Germany)
- “Ways of Seeing Data” (conference paper), Streams of Consciousness: Data, Cognition and Intelligent Devices, 21-22nd April 2016, Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies (CIM), University of Warwick (UK)
- “Ways of Studying, Using and Intervening in Data Infrastructures” (invited talk with Liliana Bounegru and Carolin Gerlitz), 19th April 2016, Sciences Po (France) [Abstract]
- “The Rise of Data Journalism: The Making of Journalistic Knowledge through Quantification” (invited talk with Liliana Bounegru), Sciences Po (France), 5th April 2016.
- “‘Dataspeak’: Digital Transparency, Informational Democracy and the Politics of Data” (conference paper), Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis International Workshop on Transparency/Opacity, 21-23rd March 2016, University of Amsterdam (Netherlands)
- Ways of Seeing Data: Towards a Critical Literacy for Data Visualisations as Research Objects and Research Devices (conference paper) at the Conference of the Digital Methods Winter School, University of Amsterdam (Netherlands), 14th January 2016.
- Towards a Literacy for Data Infrastructures (conference paper) at the Conference of the Digital Methods Winter School, University of Amsterdam (Netherlands), 14th January 2016.
- “Open Data and the Politics of Public Information” (invited talk), 26th November 2015, King’s College London.
- “Digital Methods, Legal Research and Public Policy” (invited talk), Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam, 20th November 2015.
- “Democratising the Data Revolution: From Opening Up Datasets to Reshaping Data Infrastructures?” (keynote), Open Development Camp 2015 (The Hague), 13th November 2015.
- “Mapping Open Data and Privacy as Issues on Digital Media” (Talk), Amsterdam Privacy Conference 2015, University of Amsterdam, 24th October 2015.
- “The Future of Scholarship in a Digital Age?” (invited talk), Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing (COASP), The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) in Amsterdam, 15th-17th September 2015.
- “Data in Context: Information Infrastructure Literacy” (invited talk) at the Data Literacy Workshop at Web Science 2015, University of Oxford (UK), 30th June 2015. [Slides]
- “The Politics of Open Data: Past, Present and Future” (conference paper) at the Data Power conference, University of Sheffield (UK), 22-23rd June 2015. [Abstract] [Slides]
- “Digital Methods for Public Policy Research: Mapping Open Data as an Issue Online” (conference paper) at the Policy-Making in the Big Data Era conference, University of Cambridge (UK), 15-17th June 2015. [Abstract]
- “Are We Measuring the Right Things? From Disclosing Datasets to Reshaping Data Infrastructures” (conference paper) at the Policy-Making in the Big Data Era conference, University of Cambridge (UK), 15-17th June 2015. [Abstract] [Slides]
- “Towards an Alternative Open Access Agenda?” (invited talk) at the Radical Open Access conference, Coventry University (UK), 15-16th June 2015.
- “Storytelling with Data Visualisation: An Introduction” (invited talk with Liliana Bounegru) at The Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR), University of Amsterdam, 10th June 2015.
- “Fighting Phantom Firms in the UK: From Opening Up Datasets to Reshaping Data Infrastructures?” (conference paper with Tim Davies) at the Open Data Research Symposium as part of the 3rd International Open Data Conference in Ottawa (Canada), 28-29th May 2015. [Abstract] [Slides] [Paper]
- “Using Data for Science Journalism” (invited talk with Liliana Bounegru) at the International School of Science Journalism (Italy), 10th May 2015. [Slides]
- “Digital Transparency and the Politics of Open Data” (invited talk) at the Politics of Big Data conference, King’s College London (UK), 8th May 2015. [Slides]
- “Tracing the Politics of Transparency on Digital Media” (invited talk) at Stanford University (US), 23rd April 2015.
- “Follow the Networks: Open Data and Digital Methods for Journalism” (invited talk with Liliana Bounegru), University of California Berkeley (US), 20th April 2015.
- “Open Data, Privacy, and Fair Information Principles” (conference paper with Frederik Borgesius and Mireille van Eechoud) at the Open Data: Addressing Privacy, Security, and Civil Rights Challenges conference, University of California Berkeley (US), 17th April 2015.
- “Charting Contingency and Contestation: Genealogy, Issue Mapping and Digital Methods” (conference paper) at the Conference of the Digital Methods Winter School, University of Amsterdam (Netherlands), 16th January 2015.
Older talks (2008-2014)
- “The Rise of Open Data and the Politics of Public Information” (invited talk) at “Ubiquitous Information and its Consequences” series at Department of Media Studies, University of Amsterdam (Netherlands), 10th December 2014.
- “The Social and Democratic Value of Open Data” (keynote address) at “Access, Privacy and Information Management in the Era of Open Government” conference, organised by the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Newfoundland and Labrador (Canada), 2nd December 2014.
- “An Epistemological Experiment: Issue Mapping, Data Journalism and the Public Understanding of Complex Issues” (invited talk with Liliana Bounegru) at the Department of Media and Culture Studies, Utrecht University (Netherlands), 27th October 2014. [Slides]
- “Mapping Issues with the Web: An Introduction to Digital Methods” (invited talk with Liliana Bounegru) at Columbia University (US) with response from Bruno Latour, 23rd September 2014. [Slides]
- “Towards a Genealogy of Open Data” (conference paper) at the European Consortium for Political Research: General Conference 2014, University of Glasgow (UK), 5th September 2014. [Slides] [Paper]
- “Open Access in the Humanities and Social Sciences” (invited talk) on panel with Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales at Wikimania 2014, Barbican Centre, London (UK), 8-10th August 2014.
- “The Politics of Open Data” (Invited Talk) at the Information Influx conference celebrating the 25th birthday of the Institute for Information Law (IVIR), University of Amsterdam (Netherlands), 2-4th July 2014.
- “Edward Snowden and the Politics of Transparency” (invited talk) at the Issue Mapping for Politics seminar series, New Media and Digital Culture Programme, University of Amsterdam (Netherlands), 10th February 2014.
- “Mapping the Cultural Commons” (invited talk) at Transmettre la culture à l’ère du numérique, French Ministry of Culture and Communication, Paris (France), 7th November 2013. [Text] [Slides]
- “Building the Global Digital Commons” (invited talk) at Berkeley School of Information, University of California, Berkeley (US), 23rd March 2013.
- “Hamann and Benjamin on the Concept of Experience” (conference paper) at The Philosophy of Walter Benjamin Conference, Goldsmiths, University of London (UK), 14-15th December 2012. [Abstract] [Slides]
- “The Future of Data Journalism” (invited talk) at Media, Freedom and the Web, Ravensbourne College, London (UK), 4-6th November 2011.
- “Open Data in Europe” (invited talk) with Vice President of European Commission at First Digital Agenda Assembly, Brussels (Belgium), 16th June 2011.
- “Open Data for Civil Society” (invited talk) at Central European University (CEU), Budapest (Hungary), 20th May 2011.
- “Open Data for Journalism” (invited talk) at the International Journalism Festival (IJF), Perugia (Italy), 16th April 2011.
- “Open Government Data: What, Why, How?” (invited talk) at La Politica della Trasparenza e dei Dati Aperti, Chamber of Deputies, Italian Parliament, Rome (Italy), 14th April 2011.
- “Using Data for Advocacy” (invited talk) at the Use of Information and Data for Enhanced Communication and Advocacy workshop, Think Tank Fund, Budapest (Hungary), 17th March 2011.
- “Ars Combinatoria” (invited talk and public workshop) at Transmediale 2011, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin (Germany), 6th February 2011.
- “Legal Aspects of Open Government Data” (invited talk) at Federal Public Service for Information and Communication Technology (FEDICT), Brussels (Belgium), 26th January 2011.
- “Open Data in the Arts and Humanities” (invited talk), Linked Data and the Architecture of the World Wide Web: Guiding Principles for a Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities, The Hague (Netherlands), 24th November 2010.
- “What is in the Public Domain?” (invited talk), The 3rd Free Culture Research Conference, Freie Universität Berlin (Germany), 9-10th October 2010.
- “Open Government Data in Europe” (invited talk), ICT 2010, Brussels (Belgium), 28th September 2010.
- “Open Data and Data Journalism” (invited talk), Data Driven Journalism, Amsterdam (Netherlands), 24th August 2010.
- “The Digital Public Domain” (invited talk), The University and Cyberspace: Reshaping Knowledge Institutions for the Networked Age, Politecnico di Torino (Italy), 28-30th June 2010.
- “Calculating Copyright?” (invited talk), COMMUNIA Workshop on Digital Public Domain, Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge (UK), 10-11th November 2009.
- “What Is Open Access?” (invited talk), Open Scholarly Communities on the Web, University of Technology of Compiègne (France), 16th May 2009.
- “Hamann, Nietzsche and Wittgenstein on the language of philosophers” (conference paper), Hamann and the Tradition, Hunter College, The City University of New York (US), 20-21st March 2009. [Slides] [Paper]
- “Open Access Journals in the Humanities” (invited talk), Publishing, Indexing and Enriching Scholarly Content on the Web, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy), 9th February 2009.
- “Open Access in Philosophy” (invited talk), The State of the Art in Electronic Journals, University of Oxford (UK), 19th November 2008.
- “Certifying Public Domain Works” (invited talk), Marking the Public Domain, Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam (Netherlands), 20-21st October 2008.