Senior Lecturing

As of last Friday I am Senior Lecturer in Critical Infrastructure Studies (equivalent to Associate Professor in the US) in the Department of Digital Humanities, King’s College London. 🎊

Since starting at King’s…

This academic year I’ll be focused on finishing the manuscript for Data Worlds, continuing to develop formats and materials for engaged research-led teaching, supporting various projects and activities with the Public Data Lab, and starting a new project on forests (more on this soon!).

Looking back over the past four years (and especially the past 18 months) is a reminder that university work is often also social reproduction work – concerned not just with text-making or argument-making, but with life-making. In spite of all of the various pressures on and changes in universities over the past decade, I hope we can still find spaces within and across them for cultivating care, imagination and the mulch of arrangements from which more equitable forms of co-existence might one day grow.

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