data portals

A page for notes, links and resources related to research on data portals – including related to article on “What do data portals do? Tracing the politics of online devices for making data public”. Contact me for other materials or details

Related links and resources:

  • - a list of data portals around the world
  • wayback machine - for past captures of data portal interfaces
  • wirify bookmarklet - for “reverse wireframing” data portal interfaces
  • color extraction tool from TinEye labs for colour analysis of data portal interfaces
  • imagemagick - for creating composites images of data portal interfaces
  • ffmpeg - for compositing screenshot playbacks of data portal interface captures from wayback machine
  • pandas - for analysis of data portal metadata
  • openrefine - for cleaning and analysis of data portal metadata
  • gephi - for network analysis of relations between portals and themes, apps and tags, etc.
  • raw graphs - for visualisation of data portal software repositories, data topics, etc.